Sunday 8 October 2023

The Trick by Imthiaz Dharker


The Trick by Imtiaz Dharker is a poem that portrays the pangs of longing by taking you through the veils of alienation, yearning, love, and separation surfacing among its lines.

*Let's assume the narrator of the poem is the poet herself*

It begins with the poet talking about her mental state i.e. she feels the most awake especially when she's asleep. She goes on to describe how she wants the night to never end and hopes the day does not break so she can live a little longer in her sweet dreams. Passing through the verses we realize that the poet is talking about a lover that presumably isn't with her anymore. 

As it is written in a sonnet form we see that in the octave of the poem she flows through the feeling she experiences being with her lover in her dreams. Although in the sestate we see the poet growing restless probably fearing the dream may break and her being pulled back to reality. This becomes evident in the following quote, 
"Greedy for more than the gift of seeing you," meaning the poet does not only want to see her lover just in her dreams but also in reality.

It is a beautiful representation of the fact although distance makes love grow fonder, love also needs to be within tangible bounds at times to fulfill the lover's longing. We see how to poet tricks herself every night into believing that her love is still with her, blurring the lines between illusion and reality.

Themes: Alienation, love, separation, longing, human desire.

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